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About Us
The idea to set up a Club for working journalists based in Gauhati is believed to have been concieved sometime in 1971-72 by a group of senior journalists. Ever since, Gauhati Press Club (GPC) has been a witness to several epoch-making events and the changing graph of media in Assam. Primarily a meeting point of working journalists, GPC has over the years gained popularity not just among the media persons but people from various walks of life. With over 1,000 members - categorized as General, Associate and Patron members- under its fold, the Club is registered under the Registration of Society Act XXI of 1860. Located at the heart of the city, GPC with a rich legacy has emerged as one of the prestigious institutions of the State besides being a part of the society’s collective consciousness.
From the desk of the General Secretary
At the outset, let me first express my heart-felt gratitude to each and every member of the Gauhati Press Club for reposing your faith on the newly-elected executive committee of the Club.
I am confident that the Club which is one of the oldest clubs in Eastern India, will scale newer heights in times to come, and the new committee will leave no stone unturned to catapult the club into a world-class set up.
Notwithstanding the fact that challenges galore, we are confident of improving the infrastructure of the Club and at the same time working towards the overall welfare of the journalist fraternity in the State.
I solicit your support and cooperation in making GPC an institution par excellence!


Manoj Kumar Nath
Dhaniram Kalita
Vice President
Mousumi Sarma
Vice President (Women Reserved)
Sanjoy Ray
General Secretary
Manindra Deka
Asst. General Secretary
Manisha Kalita
Asst. General Secretary (Women Reserved)
Raju Baruah
Organizing Secretary
Nayan Partim Kumar
Pallabi Borah
Cultural Secretary
Dhiraj Hazarika
Sports Secretary
Galibur Rahman
Executive Member
Kishore Sharma
Executive Member
Neeraj Jha
Executive MemberContact
For any kind of assistance, please feel free to contact us
Ambari, Near Rabindra Bhavan
GNB Road, Gauhati Assam, 781001
+91 7002700486
+91 9954011012